Gravity and String Theory: New ideas for unsolved problems III
(In honour of Prof. Branislav Sazdović's retirement)
September 7-9 2018, Zlatibor, Serbia.
Workshop Gravity and String Theory: New ideas for unsolved problems III will be held at Zlatibor, Serbia from September 7 to September 9, 2018. The workshop is being organized in honour of the retirement of Prof. Dr Branislav Sazdović. Prof. Sazdović is one of the founders of the Group for Gravitation, Particles and Fields in Belgrade and was, for many years, the leader of various scientific projects in theoretical physics.
The topics of the workshop are chosen in accordance with the research and current interests of Prof. Sazdović and include:
- string theory,
- gauge theories of gravity,
- noncommutative geometry and gravity,
- loop quantum gravity,
- particle physics,
- cosmology and astrophysics.
All interested in participating are kindly asked to register until the deadline, August 1st, 2018.